Observatory for Educational Innovation

Coordinators of the Group:

Members of the Research Group:


Educational innovation, secondary education, baccalaureate, official language teaching, vocational training, classroom organization, active educational methodology, traditional educational methodology, student assessment.

Short description of the group and objectives:

The present research group seeks to observe and know the degree of educational innovation that is currently carried out in the educational centers of secondary education (ESO), baccalaureate, FP and Official Language Teaching through their classroom methodologies, student assessment and classroom organization. For this purpose, the following specific study objectives have been programmed:

  1. To find out, through the internship students of the Master's Degree in Teacher Training, to what extent the methodologies applied in schools are active or traditional.
  2. To inquire about the type of classroom organization that is mostly used in current ESO, BTO, FP and Language Teaching schools.
  3. To find out the type of student assessment that is currently applied in ESO, BTO, FP and Language Teaching schools.
  4. To know the perception of future teachers about the current innovative elements that are carried out in the classrooms of the schools where they work or have done their internships.

Investigation lines:

  • Educational innovation in Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Official Language Teaching.
  • Educational methods, classroom organization and student assessment in Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Official Language Teaching.
  • Perception of future teachers on educational innovation in schools.


  • Roa, J.; Sánchez, A. y Sánchez, N. (2021). Evaluación de la implantación de la Gamificación como metodología activa en la Educación Secundaria española. ReiDoCrea: Revista electrónica de investigación y docencia creativa, 10, 12, 1-9.
  • Basilotta, V.; Sánchez, A.; Sánchez, N. y Roa, J. (2020). Análisis de la frecuencia de uso del ABP en centros de Educación Secundaria y estudio de algunas variables influyentes. En Gómez García, G., Ramos, M., Rodríguez, C. y de la Cruz, J. (Eds.),  Teoría y práctica en investigación educativa: una perspectiva internacional. (pp. 1767-1776) Madrid, España: Dykinson.
  • Sánchez, A.; Roa, J. y Sánchez, N. (2020). Evaluación de los espacios de aprendizaje utilizados en la educación secundaria obligatoria y bachillerato en España. En Caldevilla, D. (Ed.), Libro de Actas del X Congreso Universitario Internacional sobre Contenidos, Investigación, Innovación y Docencia. (p. 995) Madrid, España: Forum XXI
  • Del Valle, D.; García-Valcárcel, A. y Basilotta, V. (2020). Aprendizaje basado en proyectos por medio de la plataforma YouTube para la enseñanza de matemáticas en Educación Primaria. Education in the knowledge society, 21, 1-9.
  • García-Valcárcel, A.; Casilla, S., y Basilotta, V. (2020). Validation of an indicator model (INCODIES) for assessing student digital competence in basic education. NAER: Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research, 9(1), 110-125.
  • Roa, J., Hidalgo, M. (2020) "Alternativa a la enseñanza monumentalista: los REI cooperativos". Educaçao Matemática Pesquisa: Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Educaçao Matemática. Vol. 22-4.
  • Basilotta, V. y García-Valcárcel, A. (2019). Opinión del profesorado hacia proyectos colaborativos con Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación: un estudio psicométrico. Educação e Pesquisa, 45(0), 1-22.
  • Martín, M.; Basilotta, V. y García-Valcárcel, A. (2019). Pedagogy Students' Attitudes towards Collaborative Learning with Video Games: Considering Demographic Information and the Variety of Digital Resources. En J. Mena, A. García-Valcárcel y F. Peñavo (Eds.), Teachers' Professional Development in Global Contexts (pp. 304-323) Leiden, Países Bajos: Brill.
  • Díez, C. y Roa, J. (2017) "Uso de las impresoras 3D para la enseñanza de la Geometría de los sólidos siguiendo el modelo de Van Hiele". En VIII Congreso iberoamericano de Educación matemática. (pp. 300-308) Jaen: FESPM.
  • Cortés, J.C.; Colmenar, J.-M.;, Hidalgo, J.-I.; Sánchez-Sánchez, A.; Santonja, F.-J. y Villanueva, R.-J. (2014). Modelling the Spanish Bachillerato Academic Underachievement using a random network. International Journal of Complex Systems in Science, 4(1), pp. 7-10.

Research projects:

  • Name of project: Integral Plan for the Evaluation of Educational Innovation (PIEIE)
  • Principal investigator: Julián Roa González
  • Number of researchers: 6
  • Type of call: 1st Call for Grants for Educational Innovation Projects of the Universidad a Distancia de Madrid
  • Endowment: 2.000€
  • Start-finish date: 01/01/2021-31/12/2021