Coordinator of the Group:
Psychology, Work, Human Resources, Human Resource Development, People Development, Personal Development, Globalization, Diversity, Aculturation, Culture, Digitalization, Spirituality
Brief description of the Group and Objectives:
The research group contributes to the advancement of society from research in Psychology and Work. More specifically, we set the following objectives:
- Join forces and work together to advance the scientific knowledge and publish high impact articles that help move the field forward.
- Achieve a theoretical and practical position in the medium term that allows us to compete for funded research projects at the national and international level.
- Request and obtain competitive research projects with funding that allow scientific growth in the area, dissemination of results, and the promotion of research.
- Establishing a structure of experienced researchers that allows the direction of doctoral dissertations and the training of new academics and researchers in the area.
- Establishing alliances with researchers and research groups from other centers to establish synergies and promote multidisciplinary work.
- Work from an international perspective, combining global and a local perspective.
Lines of research:
The topics addressed by this research group are outlined below:
- Work Psychology.
- Human Resource Development.
- Acculturation, culture and work.
- Organizational Behavior
- Measurement instruments in Work Psychology
- Research methods and designs in Psychology
- Spirituality concept in the workplace.
Journal articles:
- Quesada-Pallarès, C., González-Ortiz-de-Zárate, A., Pineda-Herrero, P., & Cascallar, E. (2022). Intention to Transfer and Transfer Following eLearning in Spain. Vocations and Learning, 15(2), 359-385.
- González Ortiz de Zárate, A. & McLean, G. N. (2022). General vs. Specific-referent Instruments to Measure Training Transfer in a Transportation Organization in Canada. Educar, 58(1), 85-101.
- Luceño-Moreno, L., Gruia Anghel, A., Brabete, A., & Martín-García, J. (2020). Influencia del proceso de aculturación en la percepción de riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo. Ansiedad y Estrés, 26 (2-3), 73-82.
- González-Ortiz-de-Zárate, A., Alonso García, M.A., Quesada-Pallarès, C., Berrocal Berrocal, F. y McLean, G.N. (2020). Validation of predicting transfer instruments in Spain. European Journal of Training and Development, 44 (6/7) 695-715.
- González-Ortiz de Zárate, A., Alonso García, M. A., & Berrocal, F. (2017). Evaluación de la eficacia de la formación en la Administración Pública: la transferencia al puesto. Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, (17). doi:10.24965/gapp.v0i17.10405 (artículo)".
- Brabete, A. & Gruia, A. (2013). La segunda generación de europeos del Este en España, bajo la mirada móvil de los progenitores. Revista de Estudios Europeos, 62, pp. 143-162.
Books and book chapters:
- Muduli, A., Gonzalez Ortiz de Zarate, A., & McLean, G. N. (2022). How Developmental Relationships Can Be Used by Organizations and Governments as Tools for National HRD Initiatives: India and Spain. In HRD Perspectives on Developmental Relationships (pp. 395-417). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Gonzalez Ortiz de Zarate, A., Gruia Anghel, A., & Gonzalez Ortiz de Zarate, L. (2022). Psicología y trabajo: emprendimiento, empleabilidad y teletrabajo. In Propuestas y experiencias para mejorar la educación y el empleo (pp. 103-116). Octaedro.
- González Ortiz de Zárate, A. (2019). Copla, migración y duelo. El duelo del emigrante en la copla andaluza. En De cómo la copla canta el deseo de la mujer, X Congreso de Análisis Textual Trama y Fondo. ISBN: 978-84-09-14908-7.
- Gruia Anghel, A. (2017). Implementar programas de desarrollo de competencias para fomentar la cultura emprendedora. En El emprendimiento para fomentar y promover la inclusión social y laboral de la juventud (pp. 201-229). Centro de Estudios Financieros.
- González-Ortiz de Zárate, A., de García, M. A. A., & Berrocal, F. B. (2017). Evaluación de la eficacia de la formación en la Administración Pública: la transferencia al puesto de trabajo. Instituto Nacional de la Administración Pública - ISBN: 978-84-7351-592-4 (libro).
Conference contributions:
- Gonzalez Ortiz de Zarate, A. & Gruia Anghel, A. (2022). Evaluación de una experiencia de aprendizaje móvil en educación a distancia. En IV Jornadas InnovaUDIMA con Tecnología Educativa (JIUTE 2022). Jornadas JIUTE Udima.
- Gruia Anghel, A. & Gonzalez Ortiz de Zarate, A. (2022). Microlearning via Telegram: online university teaching. In From formal education to continuous learning EAPRIL 2022 .16th EAPRIL Conference.
- Gonzalez Ortiz de Zarate, A., Gruia Anghel, A., & Gonzalez Ortiz de Zarate, L. (2022). Psicología y trabajo: emprendimiento, empleabilidad y teletrabajo. In Libro de resúmenes de II Ágora Internacional Educación - Investigación - Empleo. II Ángora.
- Cámara Barroso M. C. y Gonzalez Ortiz de Zarate, A. (2022). Protegiendo el medio ambiente desde la fiscalidad y la empresa. En Semana de la Ciencia y la Innovación 2021. Udima.
- Gonzalez Ortiz de Zarate, A., Chidananda, H. L., Quesada-Pallarès, C., & Gary N. McLean. (2022). Faculty Training Transfer in Karnataka, India. In The Multidisciplinary Conference on the Intangibles. TAKE 2022.
- González-Ortiz-de-Zárate, A, Alonso, Quesada-Pallarès, C., M. A., Berrocal, F. y McLean (2021). Evaluation of a predicting transfer model in Spain through Structural Equation Models. In Yeaguer, K. & Chai, D. S. (Eds.), Innovating and leading in times of rapid and unplanned change (59). AHRD Virtual Conference February.
- González-Ortiz-de-Zárate, A, Alonso, M. A., Quesada-Pallarès, C., Berrocal, F. y McLean (2021). Mode of instruction, moderating a predicting transfer model in Spain, a SEM multigroup analysis. In Theory and applications in the knowledge economy 2021, Conference book of abstracts. TAKE 2021.
- González-Ortiz-de-Zárate, A. y McLean (2021). Sustainability Strategies in Spanish International Organizations. In Theory and applications in the knowledge economy 2021, Conference book of abstracts. TAKE 2021.
- González-Ortiz-de-Zárate, A. y Quesada-Pallarès, C. (2021). Lessons Learnt From Research in Learning Transfer Around Participant Mortality. In Froehlich, D. E., Tidying the toolbox: trials, tribulations, and triumphs in research on learning and education. European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction.
- González-Ortiz-de-Zárate, A. y Holland, K. Training Evaluation to navigate the shortage of truck drivers in Western Canada. In París, G., Ciraso-Calí, A., Roig-Ester, H., y Quesada, C. (2020). Book of Abstracts EARLI SIG14 2020.pdf. figshare. doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12515342.
- Gonzalez Ortiz de Zárate, A, Alonso García, M. A., Berrocal, F, y Quesada-Pallares, C. (2019). A systemic model of Training Transfer in the Spanish Public Administration: direct, indirect, and interaction effects. In 2019 AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas. Doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.17469.31203 - Berrocal, F, Alonso García, M. A., González Ortiz de Zarate, A. (2019). Point method in job evaluation: decision criteria. In 2019 AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas. Doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.17469.31203
- Alonso-García, M. A., Berrocal-Berrocal, F., González-Ortiz-de-Zarate, A, Cintolesi-Aguirre, B. (2019). Una experiencia de evaluación de la transferencia de la formación en la Administración Pública: factores clave. En: III Congreso Nacional de Psicología, Consejo General de la Psicología; Abstract nr CO940."
Research projects:
- Project's name: MicroLearning via Telegram: online university teaching, España, 2022.
IP: Arina Gruia Anghel y Aitana González Ortiz de Zárate.
Number of researchers: 3
Announcement: Financed public competition.
Endowment: 1.230 euros.
Start-end date: January 2022-December 2022 - Project's name: Training Evaluation to navigate the shortage of truck drivers in Northern British Columbia, Canada.
IP: Aitana González Ortiz de Zárate.
Number of researchers: 2
Announcement: Financed public competition.
Endowment: 25,000 CAD
Start-end date: August 2019-January 2020 - Project's name: Training transfer evaluation in the Spanish Public Administration.
IP: Miguel A. Alonso García
Number of researchers: 4
Announcement: Financed public competition.
Endowment: 9.000 euros
Start-end date: January-December 2016
R&D contracts:
- Project's name: Training Evaluation to navigate the shortage of truck drivers in Northern British Columbia.
IP: Aitana González Ortiz de Zárate.
Number of researchers: 2
Contracting entity: College of New Caledonia
Endowment: 25,000 CAD
Start-end date: August 2019 - January 2020 - Project's name: The Role of Temporary Work Agencies as Full HR Service Agents.
IP: Arina Gruia Anghel
Number of researchers: 3
Contracting entity: ASEMPLEO.
Endowment: 20.000 EUR
Start-end date: September 2015 – February 2016