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Preparation Course of TKT-CLIL Module


This course is designed for teachers who are preparing to sit the TKT-CLIL Module from Cambridge English. They will receive the necessary tools and knowledge to pass the official exam and improve the teaching-learning process in the CLIL classroom. The course is taught in English, which will help students to reinforce previously learned vocabulary, grammar and functions with occasional explanations or corrections. The course also serves as a CLIL example, a content course taught through a foreign language.

The course contents are focused on the topics that are necessary in order to teach a CLIL course, including the theoretical principles of CLIL, classroom planning, classroom techniques and evaluation. These topics will be seen from both theoretical and practical perspectives, applying the teaching experience of each student when possible. As the objective of the course is to pass the TKT-CLIL Module exam, emphasis will be placed on the topics seen in the exam, and students will take part in short mock exams related to these topics.

This course is recommended for English language teachers or content-subject teachers who may teach their content in English. It is useful for professionals who teach within a bilingual program in any level of compulsory education. Due to the nature of the course, it is necessary to have a level of English that corresponds to at least a B2 level (CEFR).

General objectives

  • Understand CLIL theories, strategies and activities, and analyze their utility for students within a learning context.
  • Be aware of the resources available to CLIL teachers.
  • Develop one's professional potential through the exploration of the knowledge and concepts presented.
  • Understand the concepts and terms that are related to teaching and learning and present on the TKT: CLIL exam.
  • Practice the official exam through mock exams and tests.

Specific and competence objectives

  • Synthesize and critically analyze the acquired concepts.
  • Understand the principles of the CLIL method and its classroom application.
  • Plan classroom activities with a dual, curricular and linguistic, focus.
  • Select appropriate materials for teaching content through the English language.
  • Indentify the uses of classroom language and develop one's own use of the English language for such purposes.
  • Recognize various types of content and language scaffolding.
  • Identify different learning strategies in order to help students employ them in different contexts.
  • Understand different ways to reinforce learning in the CLIL classroom.
  • Identify the focus and purpose of the evaluation in a CLIL context.
  • Recognize examples of different types of evaluation.
  • Select appropriate strategies for each evaluation context.


The methodology adopted in this course for the learning and evaluation of contents has been adapted to the model of continued distance learning of the UDIMA. Course concepts are learned through systematic study of all the teaching units of the manual, as well as additional didactic materials, available to students in the online classroom (articles, videos, websites, etc.).

It is also necessary that students complete the Continuous assessment activities and Learning activities planned for in the "schedule of didactic activities", and defined in the "evaluation system", both sections that are found within this teaching manual (always available in the classroom). This course has a dual focus, both theoretical and practical, and because of this, the study of the didactic units will be reinforced with case studies (text commentary and image analysis).

Required commitment

The reading and understanding of theoretical concepts seen in the teaching units can be estimated at about 60 hours. The completion of Continuous assessment activities, Learning activities and Quizzes will require approximately 75 hours. It is assumed that 15 hours of preparation of the in-house final exam will be sufficient to consolidate the concepts learned and abilities acquired throughout the course.


Any conceptual doubts that arise after the careful study of the units in the manual and/or the supplementary material are resolved in the tutorial forums available in the Virtual Classroom.

However, tutoring is also available to students by telephone during a specific timetable, or via email.

The online forums are emphasized as the main communication channel between professor and classmates since they are an essential tool for the exchange of ideas and help to facilitate learning  concepts associated with the course material.

Participation in tutorials is highly recommended, and these will be adapted to the specific needs and characteristics of each student. These sessions will mainly be held through online forums and on the telephone.

Various resources support the methodology of the course, as explained here:

  • Virtual Classroom The student can communicate at any time with their professor and their peers by means of the classroom.

Teaching materials

In order to develop the theoretical learning, on which the final exam will be focused, each student will receive a manual consisting of teaching units which correspond with the description of course contents. This manual may be presented in different formats, depending on the course.

A recommended reading list and the supplementary materials that are associated with each course will be provided in the Virtual Classroom in order to support the development of the concepts in each teaching unit.

The UDIMA also provides many resources to support their students' learning, for example:

Virtual Library e-brary: Our students have access to a virtual library containing more than 65,000 titles.

Youtube: UDIMA has its own channel to which professors upload helpful supplementary videos.

Manual de la asignatura:
Bentley, K. (2010) "The TKT Course: CLIL Module", Cambridge: CUP

Contenidos del Manual:
Unidad 1. Aims of CLIL and rationale of CLIL
Unidad 2. Language across the curriculum
Unidad 3. Communication skills across the curriculum
Unidad 4. Cognitive skills across the curriculum
Unidad 5. Learning skills across the curriculum
Unidad 6. Planning a lesson or a series of lessons
Unidad 7. Language demands of subject content and accompanying tasks
Unidad 8. Resources including multi-media and visual organisers
Unidad 9. Materials selection and adaptation
Unidad 10. Activity types
Unidad 11. Classroom language
Unidad 12 Scaffolding content and language learning
Unidad 13 Methods to help learners develop learning strategies
Unidad 14 Consolidating learning and differentiation
Unidad 15 Focus of assessment
Unidad 16. Types of assessment
Unidad 17 Support strategies for assessment

Prices and payment options

The price per ECTS credit for the 2021-22 academic year is 77 €.

Credits One-time payment (*) Payment in instalments (**)
6 ECTS 462,00 € 475,86 €
(Four monthly payments of 119 €)

(*) Enrolment fees which are paid in full in a one-time payment will have a 3% discount on the price per credit, which is included in the price stated here and may be combined with other discounts.

(**) When enrolment takes place on or after 16 October or 16 March, payments will be made in three instalments.
There are other small fees related to administrative services such as certificates and copies. The student will always be informed of these fees when the service is requested.

Start date

The upcoming semester will begin on 1 of october of 2024.