Pedro Santiago Borrego Jiménez

Titulacion: Doctor por la Universidad de Salamanca
Mis webs:
Idiomas: Inglés
Dedicación: Tiempo parcial
Planes de estudio:

Formación académica

  • Doctor por la Universidad de Salamanca.
  • MBA EU Business School.
  • Licenciado en kinesiología y fisiatría.
  • Grado de la universidad de Salamanca.
  • Máster en gestión sanitaria.
  • Máster en fisioterapia del deporte.
  • Diplomado en fisioterapia.

Experiencia docente

  • Associate Professor y Jefe de Departamento Institute of Applied Technology. Abu Dha-bi. Emiratos Árabes Unidos. 2017-2020.
  • Profesor Tutor Centro de Estudios Financieros / Universidad a Distancia de Madrid – UDIMA. Madrid. Febrero 2013 – Actualidad.
  • Ponente "Cistopatía Intersticial y Fisioterapia". Manejo del Dolor, 2.ª edición. Advance Pain Management Centre. Madrid (España). 2016.
  • Ponente "Abordaje multidisciplinar en el tratamiento del dolor". Manejo del Dolor, 1.ª edición. Advance Pain Management Centre. Madrid (España). 2015.
  • Ponente "Nuevos campos en Fisioterapia". II Congreso Regional de Fisioterapia. Colegio Oficial de Fisioterapeutas. Tenerife (Spain), 2011.
  • Ponente "Sector Sanitario Privado". Aliad Conocimiento y Servicio. Madrid. 2010.
  • Director "Curso de Protocolo". CGCFE. Sevilla, noviembre 2008.
  • Ponencia Técnica sobre "Recursos Humanos en el Sistema Sanitario Español". Senado. Madrid. 2008.
  • Ponente programa "Máster en Terapias Naturales". Universidad de Salamanca 2007-2008.
  • Ponencia "Fisioterapia, proyección de futuro". X Aniversario Colegio Oficial de Fisioterapeutas de Canarias. Julio. 2007.
  • Ponencia "Fisioterapia y Discapacidad". VII Jornada Mediterránea de Fisioterapia. Barcelona. 2007.
  • Ponencia "Recursos para la Información y la investigación Científica en Fisioterapia". Ávila. Diciembre. 2006.
  • Ponencia "Las Organizaciones Profesionales y Convergencia". VI Jornadas Nacionales de Educación en Fisioterapia. Salamanca. 2004.
  • Profesor "Curso de Postgrado en Fisioterapia del Deporte". Escuelas Universitarias Gimbernat de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Sant Cugat del Vallés (Barcelona). 1999-2001.
  • Director del Área de Prevención, Nutrición y Preparación Física y ponente de la Escuela de Conducción "Motociclismo Action-Team (Motorpress Ibérica S.A.)". España. 1998-1999, 1999-2000 y 2000-2001.
  • Director de Cursos Postgrado. Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas – Delegación de Castilla y León – Universidad de Salamanca. 1993-2000.
  • Director de Cursos Postgrado. Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas – Delegación de Castilla y León – Universidad de León. 1993-2000.
  • Director de Cursos Postgrado. Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas – Delegación de Castilla y León – Universidad de Valladolid. 1993-2000.

Experiencia profesional

  • Fundador y Director Policlínica FISIOMED S.L. 1998 - actualidad.
  • Profesor Tutor Centro de Estudios Financieros / Universidad a Distancia de Madrid – UDIMA. Madrid. Febrero 2013 - actualidad.
  • Outpatient Department Director – Cambridge Medical and Rehabilitation Center. Abu Dhabi. 2023-Actualidad.
  • Revisor Científico. ELSEVIER. 2006 - actualidad.
  • Consejero PSN – Prevención y calidad. 2010 - actualidad.
  • United Arab Emirates Country Manager – DISC. 2022-2023.
  • Project Manager. Khalaf Ahmad Al Habtoor Medical Simulation Center. Mohammed Bin Rashid University, Dubai. Emiratos Árabes Unidos. 01-04/2021.
  • Associate Professor y Jefe de Departamento Institute of Applied Technology. Abu Dhabi. Emiratos Árabes Unidos. 2017-2020.
  • Presentador y Colaborador. Radio Televisión Española. 2005-2016.
  • Director área de Fisioterapia. Ibermutuamur. 1996-2000.
  • Fisioterapeuta Club Baloncesto Salamanca. 1995-1996.
  • Fisioterapeuta Halcón Viajes. 1993-1996.

Acreditaciones, habilitaciones y reconocimientos

  • Health and Safety Induction and Covid 19 Precautions. MBRU. Dubai (UAE). 2021.
  • Health and Safety at Work. ACTVET. Abu Dhabi (UAE). 2018.
  • IC3 Digital Literacy GS5. Certiport. Madrid (España). 2017.
  • Investigador. Red Española de Investigadores de Dolencias de Espalda. REIDE. Madrid (España). 2012.
  • Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP). Madrid (España). 2002.
  • Fisioterapeuta del Deporte. Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas. Madrid (España). 1997.

Actividad investigadora


  • Borrego-Jimenez, P.-S.; Flores-Fraile, J.; Padilla-Fernández, B.-Y.; Valverde-Martinez, S.; Gómez-Prieto, A.; Márquez-Sánchez, M.T.; Mirón-Canelo, J.-A.; Lorenzo-Gómez, M.-F. Improvement in Quality of Life with Pelvic Floor Muscle Training and Biofeedback in Patients with Painful Bladder Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 862.
  • Pedro Borrego, Ana Anjos*, Soraya Mart, Nuno Goncalves, and Lieselotte Corten, "Exploring the effectiveness of Acupuncture as an adjunct to Physiotherapy in the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions: a systematic review", New Emirates Medical Journal (2021) 2: 1.
  • Borrego-Jimenez, P.-S., Padilla-Fernandez, B.-Y., Valverde-Martinez, S., Garcia-Sanchez, M.-H., Rodriguez-Martin, M.-O., Sanchez-Conde, M.-P., Flores-Fraile, M.-C., et al. (2020). Effects on Health-Related Quality of Life of Biofeedback Physiotherapy of the Pelvic Floor as an Adjunctive Treatment Following Surgical Repair of Cystocele. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(10), 3310. MDPI AG. Retrieved from
  • Kovacs FM, Seco J, Borrego-Jimenez PS, Royuela A, Betegon JN, Sánchez‐Herráez S, Meli M, Martínez Rodríguez ME, Núñez M, Álvarez‐Galovich L, Moyá J, Sánchez C. The association between sleep quality, low back pain and disability: A prospective study in routine practice. European Journal of Pain. 2018 Jan 1;22(1):114-26.
  • Araújo I, Marques F, André S, Araújo M, Marques S, Ferreira R, Moniz P, Proença M, Borrego P, Fonseca C. Diagnosis of sleep apnea in patients with stable chronic heart failure using a portable sleep test diagnostic device. Sleep and Breathing. 2018 Sep 1;22(3):749-55.
  • Borrego PS, Prince M, Demonbrun M, Finelli C, Henderson C, Waters C, Ferguson DM, Jablokow KW, Ohland MW, enay Purzer S, Rodrıguez G. Ahmad Ibrahim 1 Editorial. The International Journal of Engineering Education. 2017;33(1).
  • Delforge X, Chaussy Y, Borrego PS, Abbo O, Sauvat F, Ballouhey Q, Irtan S, Arnaud A, Ibtissam K, Panait N, Rodesch G. Management of nonparasitic splenic cysts in children: A multicenter review of 100 cases. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2017 Sep 1;52(9):1465-70.
  • Martelli H, Borrego PS, Guérin F, Boubnova J, Minard-Colin V, Dumas I, Chargari C, Haie-Meder C. Quality of life and functional outcome of male patients with bladder–prostate rhabdomyosarcoma treated with conservative surgery and brachytherapy during childhood. Brachytherapy. 2016 May 1;15(3):306-11.
  • Borrego-Jimenez P, Santos-Antunes M, Padilla-Fernandez B, Antunez-Plaza P, Garcia-Cenador M, Gil-Vicente A, Silva-Abuin J, Miron-Canelo J, Lorenzo-Gomez M. Physiotherapy of pelvic floor to urinary incontinence treatment after Freyer or Millin open techniques or transurethral prostatectomy. Physiotherapy. 2015 May 1;101:e165.
  • Bissau J, Borrego PS. Professional medical writing: A tool for high quality publications. Acta medica portuguesa. 2015 Aug 21;28(5):545-7.
  • Borrego-Jimenez PS, Gomez MF, Jimenez JM, Jimenez PB, Criado FJ, Abuin JM. Physiotherapy and persons with disability: role of coadjutant physiotherapy in the physical and psychosomatic disability caused by interstitial cystitis. Fisioterapia. 2009 Jan 1;31(1):3-11.
  • Cervantes RF, Camba SS, Roldán JR, Conesa AG, Doniz LG, Nieto MG, Borrego-Jiménez PS, Moreno JT, Iglesias FB, Viñas ML, de Miguel EE. Quality criteria of physiotherapy degree (diploma). Report provided by the Spanish Association and Physiotherapists. Fisioterapia. 2007 Jun 1;29(3):119-25.
  • Borrego-Jiménez PS, Gómez ML, Jiménez JB, Jiménez PB, Jiménez PB. Role of physiotherapy after legal assessment of spinal column injuries. Revista Iberoamericana de Fisioterapia y Kinesiología. 2007 Jan 1;10(1):38-43.
  • Borrego-Jiménez PS. International Projection of the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists. Fisioterapia. 2002;24(4):179-80.


  • "Quality of life improvement: pelvic floor Physiotherapy as complementary treatment in patients with recurrent urinary tract infections." WCPT World Congress. 2-4 July Cape Town. 2017.
  • "Quality of life improvement: pelvic floor Physiotherapy as complementary treatment in patients with inflammatory status related to cystocele treatment." WCPT World Congress. 2-4 July Cape Town. 2017.
  • "Physiotherapy of pelvic floor to urinary incontinence treatment after Freyer or Millin open techniques or transurethral prostatectomy" WCPT World Congress. 1-4 May Singapore, 2015.
  • "Learning process and basis of perineal biofeedback physiotherapy in adjuvant treatment of occlusive erectile dysfunction" 4th National Meeting: Education in Physiotherapy. Salamanca (Spain), 2004.
  • "Learning and training processes of pelvic floor physiotherapy in chronic pelvic pain in women". 4th National Meeting: Education in Physiotherapy. Salamanca (Spain), 2004.
  • "Learning and training processes of physiotherapy with pelvic floor biofeedback in the adjutant treatment of veno-occlusive erectile dysfunction". 4th National Meeting: Education in Physiotherapy. Salamanca (Spain), 2004.


  • "Physiotherapy: physical and psychosomatic disability caused by interstitial cystitis". Women’s Health Seminar. Emirates Physiotherapy Society. Latifa Hospital. Dubai (UAE), 2017.
  • "Interstitial Cystopathy and Physiotherapy". Pain Management Seminar. 2nd ed. Advance Pain Management Centre. Madrid (Spain), 2016.
  • "Pain Management in multidisciplinary Teams". Pain Management Seminar. 1st ed. Advance Pain Management Centre. Madrid (Spain), 2015.
  • "Introduction to Healthcare Management". 7th Congress Medical Education. National Council of Medicine Students. Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality. Salamanca (Spain), 2014.
  • "New fields in Physiotherapy". II Regional Congress of Physiotherapy. Canary Islands College of Physiotherapists. Tenerife (Spain), 2011.
  • "Health Private Sector". National Conference in Quality. ALIAD. Madrid (Spain), 2010.
  • "Human Resources in Spanish National Health System". Government Senate. Madrid (Spain), 2008.
  • "Physiotherapy, future views". 10th Anniversary Commemorative Acts. Canary Islands College of Physiotherapists. Tenerife (Spain), 2007.
  • "Physiotherapy and Disability". 7th Mediterranean Meeting in Physiotherapy. Official College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia. Barcelona (Spain), 2007.
  • "Information Resources and Clinical Research in Physiotherapy. Regional Meeting of Physiotherapy. Spanish Association of Physiotherapists. Ávila (Spain), 2006.
  • "Professional Organizations and Educational Convergence". 4th National Meeting: Education in Physiotherapy. University of Salamanca. Spanish Association of Physiotherapists. Salamanca (Spain), 2004.