Sports physiotherapy is aimed at anyone who practices sport on a regular basis, in any of its aspects. Today's society is increasingly aware of the need to acquire healthy lifestyle habits, both physical and mental. And sport can offer a balance between the two. As for the physical aspect, with the regular practice of sport, the need to have technical knowledge in this area emerges, promoting a correct education towards sport practice. For this reason, professionals in the field of sports physiotherapy are required to help prevent or treat sports injuries. Center where it is taught: Center for European Masters´s Programme.
Diplomas or Graduates of Physiotherapy or related qualifications.
Ms. Victoria Reboredo Vázquez
Mr. José Barcia Tuccelli
Ms. Lucía Martínez Sardiña
Ms. Silvia Lorenzo
Ms. Beatriz Nespereira Rodríguez
The master's degree has a scheduled methodology, with a start and end date and a weekly timetable. Students access the virtual campus with their credentials. Once inside, and until the start date of the master's degree, the student has access to Group 0. The following will be available:
From the moment the master's course begins, students are given weekly access to the contents of two subjects. Within each subject, the student has at his/her disposal:
The selected methodology is eminently practical, so that knowledge is acquired by means of continuous activities and assignments.
A multimedia, visual and attractive methodology is used to arouse the interest of the participants, with more than 100 hours of audiovisual training.
At the end of the theoretical modules, students will carry out a Final AMster Project directed by one of our lecturers. The defence will be on video.
Sports physiotherapy is aimed at anyone who practices sport on a regular basis, in any of its aspects. Today's society is increasingly aware of the need to acquire healthy lifestyle habits, both physical and mental. And sport can offer a balance between the two. As for the physical aspect, with the regular practice of sport, the need to have technical knowledge in this area emerges, promoting a correct education towards sport practice. For this reason, professionals in the field of sports physiotherapy are required to help prevent or treat sports injuries. Center where it is taught: Center for European Masters´s Programme.
Diplomas or Graduates of Physiotherapy or related qualifications.